Remote Access Services


(RAS) A service provided by Windows NT which allows most of the services which would be available on a network to be accessed over a modem link. The service includes support for dialup and logon, and then presents the same network interface as the normal network drivers (albeit slightly slower!). It is not necessary to run Windows NT on the client - there are client versions for other Windows operating systems.

[What services?]

Last updated: 1996-08-14

Remote Database Access

<database, standard>

(RDBA) A standard permitting the exchange of information between different DBMS systems.

Last updated: 1998-09-23

Remote Desktop Protocol


(RDP) A Microsoft protocol that provides remote display and input for Windows.

RDP's video driver renders display output by sending packets to the client which translates them into corresponding Microsoft Win32 graphics device interface API calls. Client mouse and keyboard events are redirected from the client to virtual keyboard and mouse drivers on the server.

RDP 4.0 was introduced with Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. Windows 2000 Terminal Services included RDP 5.0. The Terminal Services Advanced Client (TSAC), an RDP client based on an ActiveX control, also supports RDP 5.0. RDP 5.0 provides enhanced performance over low-speed connections. Windows XP uses RDP 5.1 and includes Remote Desktop Web Connection, which is an updated version of the TSAC.

RDP extends the ITU T.120 protocols, allowing separate virtual channels for device communication and presentation data from the server, as well as encrypted mouse and keyboard data.

Compare: VNC.


Last updated: 2004-09-14

remote echo


(Obsolete: "full-duplex") A mode of operation of communicating programs or devices in which the sending system does not display the characters the user enters, but only sends them to the remote system which then "echoes" them back to be displayed to the user. This lets the operator see not only typing errors, but also transmission errors. This is now the usual mode of most systems with remote users.

Contrast: local echo.

Last updated: 2000-03-30

Remote Job Entry

<operating system>

(RJE) A system, widely used in the mid/late 1960s, for submitting jobs to mainframes like the IBM 360 under OS/MFT. Communication with the computer operator was via the keyboard and later via CRTs.

Last updated: 1999-03-26

remote login


A client-server program and protocol that provides an interactivel command line interface to a remote computer, using a protocol over a computer network, simulating a locally attached terminal.

rlogin is the BSD Unix program and protocol for this, telnet is an earlier, more widely implemented protocol.

Last updated: 1999-03-26

Remote Method Invocation


(RMI) Part of the Java programming language library which enables a Java program running on one computer to access the objects and methods of another Java program running on a different computer.


Last updated: 1997-09-04

remote monitoring


(RMON) A network management protocol that allows network information to be gathered at a single computer. Whereas SNMP gathers network data from a single type of Management Information Base (MIB), RMON 1 defines nine additional MIBs that provide a much richer set of data about network usage. For RMON to work, network devices, such as hubs and switches, must be designed to support it.

The newest version of RMON, RMON 2, provides data about traffic at the network layer in addition to the physical layer. This allows administrators to analyse traffic by protocol.

Last updated: 2003-09-15

Remote Operations Service Element


(ROSE) A sub-layer of protocol layer six (presentation layer) in the OSI seven layer model which provides SASE for remote operations.

Documents: ITU Rec. X.229 (ISO 9072-2), ITU Rec. X.219 (ISO 9072-1).

Last updated: 1997-12-07

Remote Procedure Call

<networking, programming>

(RPC) A protocol which allows a program running on one host to cause code to be executed on another host without the programmer needing to explicitly code for this. RPC is an easy and popular paradigm for implementing the client-server model of distributed computing. An RPC is initiated by the caller (client) sending request message to a remote system (the server) to execute a certain procedure using arguments supplied. A result message is returned to the caller. There are many variations and subtleties in various implementations, resulting in a variety of different (incompatible) RPC protocols.

Sun RPC is defined in RFC 1057 and ONC RPC in RFC 1831.

Last updated: 2003-06-04

Remote Reference Layer


(RRL) Part of Java's Remote Method Invocation protocol. RRL exists in both the RMI client and server. It is used by the stub or skeleton protocol layer and uses the transport layer. RRL is reponsible for transport-independent functioning of RMI, such as connection management or unicast/multicast object invocation.

[Specification URL?]

Last updated: 1997-12-03

Remote Spooling Communication Subsystem


(RSCS) A networking protocol used primarily on Bitnet.


Last updated: 1996-02-04

Remote Write Protocol

<chat, protocol>

(RWP) A proposed Internet protocol for exchanging short messages between terminals.

The RWP proposal is detailed in RFC 1756.

Last updated: 1996-09-08

Nearby terms:

remailerRemote Access ServicesRemote Database AccessRemote Desktop Protocol

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