Frequently requested missing terms
The following terms are not defined in the dictionary. The numbers show how often they have been looked for. New terms are added almost every day.
Feel free to send new definitions.
625 | favicon.ico |
183 | form.html |
110 | druid/index.html |
77 | cgi-bin/authLogin.cgi |
75 | config.json |
75 | t4 |
74 | _profiler/phpinfo |
72 | v2/_catalog |
71 | api/.env |
70 | sitemap.xml |
70 | laravel/.env |
68 | evox/about |
60 | solr/admin/info/system |
56 | app/.env |
51 | .vscode/sftp.json |
51 | manager/text/list |
49 | ReportServer |
47 | logon.htm |
43 | login.jsp |
43 | CSCOE /logon.html |
43 | core/.env |
42 | cgi-bin/login.cgi |
42 | .DS_Store |
41 | admin/index.html |
40 | manage/account/login |
40 | server-status |
37 | doc/index.html |
36 | apps/.env |
35 | .well-known/security.txt |
34 | telescope/requests |