
(After the German "Autobahn") Information Superhighway.


Variant of Pick BASIC used with PRIME's PRIMOS.



A bot that serves as a common database of information (often noteworthy URLs) for users on a chat system. Infobots often have a simple chatbot interface, responding to key-phrases, as well as to direct queries.

Here, in a real conversation, the bot Purl's first response is triggered by the phrase "just tell me", and its second response is triggered by being directly asked "perlfunc?":

 <eesh> can someone tell me what: $num9 =
        substr($number,9,1); means

 <Tkil> eesh -- man perlfunc, look at "substr".

 <eesh> just tell me

 <purl> Didn't your momma ever tell you, "Go
        look it up in the dictionary"?!

 <Tkil> eesh -- no.  that's all we'll tell
        you.  read the documentation.

 <Tkil> eesh -- if you haven't man pages or
        perldoc, you can read them on the 'net.

 <Tkil> purl, perlfunc?

 <purl> well, perlfunc is Perl builtin
        functions, at man perlfunc or

Last updated: 1998-10-30

Informatics Corporation


Renamed to Sterling Software Corp.


Last updated: 1998-10-30


<data, data processing>

The result of applying data processing to data, giving it context and meaning. Information can then be further processed to yeild knowledge.

People or computers can find patterns in data to perceive information, and information can be used to enhance knowledge. Since knowledge is prerequisite to wisdom, we always want more data and information. But, as modern societies verge on information overload, we especially need better ways to find patterns.

1234567.89 is data.

"Your bank balance has jumped 8087% to $1234567.89" is information.

"Nobody owes me that much money" is knowledge.

"I'd better talk to the bank before I spend it, because of what has happened to other people" is wisdom.

Last updated: 2007-09-10

Information Algebra

Theoretical formalism for DP, never resulted in a language. Language Structure Group of CODASYL, ca. 1962. Sammet 1969, 709.

Information and Communication Technology


(ICT) The study of the technology used to handle information and aid communication. The phrase was coined by [?] Stevenson in his 1997 report to the UK government and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000. In addition to the subjects included in Information Technology (IT), ICT emcompasses areas such as telephony, broadcast media and all types of audio and video processing and transmission.

Last updated: 2008-09-19

Information Appliance


(IA) A consumer device that performs only a few targeted tasks and is controlled by a simple touch-screen interface or push buttons on the device's enclosure.

[How does this differ from a PDA?]

Last updated: 1998-02-24

Information Builders

Distributors of LEVEL5 OBJECT. Telephone +1 800 969 INFO.

Information Engineering Facility

Advantage Gen

information highway

information superhighway

Information Infrastructure Task Force

<networking, body>

(IITF) A US government body created in 1993 by President Clinton to control and oversee the NII project. The IITF consists of representatives of the federal agencies involved in information technology. They work with the private sector to develop policy. Various IITF committees work on telecommunications, IPR, privacy, government information and applications.

In 2013, the IITF does not appear to have any presence on the WWW, which strongly suggests that it no longer exists (or that it is pretty out of touch with modern information infrastructure).

[Did it ever achieve anything? What happened to it?]

Last updated: 2013-11-16

Information Innovation

A group of companies with offices in Amsterdam and New York which acts as an information filter for the web. They analyse what happens in the Web community and organise the Web's information so that it is accessible and efficient to use.

Information Innovation provides:

"The Management Guide" - a guide for managers in the information age. The Guide consists of 22 parts, each concentrating on a particular technology or issue facing managers. Topics range from Artificial Intelligence and Telecommunications to Finance and Marketing. Each part contains references to additional valuable information, including CD ROMs, conferences, magazines, articles and books.

"The Hypergraphic Matrix" - a "hypergraphic" matrix of 250 graphics discussing the interrelationships between technology, change, business functions and specific industries.

"Dictionary" - the largest Internet dictionary on management and technology.

"The Delphi Oracle" - a comprehensive guide to the latest management ideas and issues. Over 500 articles and books have been read, analysed, rated and catalogued.

"Management Software" - a guide to software which is useful to managers. Both Web software, Internet software and commecial products are included in this guide.

"The Web Word" - an information service about the Web. It includes a regular newsletter and databases about Web resources, news, interviews with Web personalities and, of course, the most comprehensive guide to sites.

"Web Bibliography" - a guide to the latest Web information printed. Over 150 articles, magazines, market research reports and books are catalogued.

"The Power Launch Pad" - our own list of useful sites on the Web. Also includes links to our own lists of special subjects such as Finance, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Technology and so forth. E-mail: <[email protected]>.

Last updated: 1994-10-27

information island


A body of information (i.e. electronic files) that needs to be shared but has no network connection.

Last updated: 1995-03-16

Information Management

The planning, budgeting, control and exploitation of the information resources in an organisation. The term encompasses both the information itself and the related aspects such as personnel, finance, marketing, organisation and technologies and systems. Information Managers are responsible for the coordination and integration of a wide range of information handling activities within the organisation. These include the formulation of corporate information policy, design, evaluation and integration of effective information systems and services, the exploitation of IT for competitive advantage and the integration of internal and external information and data.

Information Management System


(IMS, IMS/VS, IMS/ESA) A database system from IBM consisting of IMS/Data Base and IMS/Data Communications.

Last updated: 1999-01-11

information overload


When a person feels unable to read all the information that is presented or available to them, particularly where they need to make decisions based on that information but can't because there is just too much to take in in the time available.

Last updated: 2005-01-09

Information Processing Language

(IPL) Said to be the first list-processing language, also the first language to support recursion. Written by Allen Newell, J.C. Shaw and H. Simon at Carnegie ca. 1956. It was very low level.

Versions: IPL-I (never implemented), IPL-II (1957 for JOHNNIAC), IPL-III (existed briefly), IPL-IV, IPL-V (1958, for IBM 650, IBM 704, IBM 7090, many others. Widely used), IPL-VI.

[Sammet 1969, pp. 388-400].

["Information Processing Language-V Manual", A. Newell ed, P-H 1965].

Last updated: 1994-11-04

Information Resource Management

(IRM) A philosophical and practical approach to managing government information. Information is regarded as a valuable resource which should be managed like other resources, and should contribute directly to accomplishing organisational goals and objectives. IRM provides an integrated view for managing the entire life-cycle of information, from generation, to dissemination, to archiving and/or destruction, for maximising the overall usefulness of information, and improving service delivery and program management.

IRM views information and Information Technology as an integrating factor in the organisation, that is, the various organisational positions that manage information are coordinated and work together toward common ends. Further, IRM looks for ways in which the management of information and the management of Information Technology are interrelated, and fosters that interrelationship and organisational integration.

IRM includes the management of (1) the broad range of information resources, e.g., printed materials, electronic information, and microforms, (2) the various technologies and equipment that manipulate these resources, and (3) the people who generate, organise, and disseminate those resources. Overall the intent of IRM is to increase the usefulness of government information both to the government and to the public.

[Gary D. Blass et al. "Finding Government Information: The Federal Information Locator System (FILS)", Government Information Quarterly, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 11-32. 1991].

Last updated: 1995-11-12

information superhighway


(Or "Infobahn", "Info Strada") The name coined by US Vice-president Al Gore in the early 1990s for the emerging high-speed global communications network capable of carrying voice, data, video, and other services around the world. These services use satellite, copper cable, optical fibre, mobile telecommunications, and are accessible via set-top boxes or suitably equipped computers.

See also National Information Infrastructure.

Last updated: 2001-03-31

Information Systems Factory

(ISF) An equivalent to an SEE.

[Simultaneous Engineering Environment or Software Engineering Environment?]

Last updated: 2000-12-30

information technology

<business, jargon>

(IT) Applied computer systems - both hardware and software, and often including networking and telecommunications, usually in the context of a business or other enterprise. Often the name of the part of an enterprise that deals with all things electronic.

The term "computer science" is usually reserved for the more theoretical, academic aspects of computing, while the vaguer terms "information systems" (IS) or "information services" may include more of the human activities and non-computerised business processes like knowledge management. Others say that IT includes computer science.

Last updated: 2000-10-02

information technology governance


The structure, oversight and management processes which ensure the delivery of the expected benefits of IT in a controlled way to help enhance the long term sustainable success of the enterprise.

Last updated: 2009-04-27

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

(ITIL) A method of organising the system and network management departments of large organisations. ITIL defines the (work) processes involved and the interfaces between them.

Last updated: 1995-06-27


A relational DBMS vendor.



A company providing InfoSeek Net Search, a free web search service which, in August 1995, indexed the full text of over 400,000 web pages. Net Search was rated as the fourth most popular site on the web by Interactive Age magazine.

The also sell a commercial service, InfoSeek Search, that offers access to all the Usenet news groups, daily newswires, business and computer periodicals, and more.

Last updated: 1995-11-09

InfoStreet, Inc.


An Internet consulting and development company dedicated to assisting companies in establishing an Internet presence. InfoStreet develope Internet strategies, design and create web pages, and host and maintain websites.

InfoStreet, has been recognized by PC/Computing as the "Best of the Top Home Page Services" (August 1996) and has been featured in Netguide magazine and the Wiley and Son's Electronic Marketing book.

Home page hosting service.

Last updated: 1997-01-30



Interactive services or software that provides some combination of information and entertainment.

Last updated: 2010-03-02

InfoWord Office


A suite of applications for Unix including a word processor, spreadsheet and database.

Light Infocon S.A..

Last updated: 1998-07-21

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inflateINFNInfobahnInfo BASICinfobotInformatics Corporation

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