word size


The number of bits that a CPU can process at one time. Processors with many different word sizes have existed though powers of two (8, 16, 32, 64) have predominated for many years. A processor's word size is often equal to the width of its external data bus though sometimes the bus is made narrower than the CPU (often half as many bits) to economise on packaging and circuit board costs.

Last updated: 1995-04-23

word spamming

<web, information science>

Repeating a word many times in a web page, in a (usually futile) attempt to increase its relevance ranking in a search engine's index (to "spam" the index).

"Repeating a word over and over in a Web page (known as word spamming) has no effect on the [page's] ranking [in the index]." -- Altavista FAQ.

See also spamdex.

Last updated: 1997-04-09

Nearby terms:

word processingword processorword sizeword spammingWordTech

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