The country code for Mali.
Last updated: 1999-01-27
Nearby terms:
MIX Communications ♦ M-JPEG ♦ MJS ♦ mk ♦ ML ♦ ml ♦ ML-2000 ♦ MLAB ♦ ML/I ♦ MLISP ♦ ML Kit
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The country code for Mali.
Last updated: 1999-01-27
MIX Communications ♦ M-JPEG ♦ MJS ♦ mk ♦ ML ♦ ml ♦ ML-2000 ♦ MLAB ♦ ML/I ♦ MLISP ♦ ML Kit
Try this search on Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Google, OneLook.