A loop structure with its termination test in the middle. This contrasts with the more common while loop which has the test at the beginning or a repeat loop which has it at the end.
A generic example gets a value, tests it then processes it:while (true) { value = get(); if (isTerminal(value)) break; process(value); }Alternatives require either an extra get() before the loop:
value = get(); while (! isTerminal(value)) process(value); value = get(); }or an extra test for termination:
do { value = get(); done = isTerminal(value); if (! done) process(value); } while (! done);The structure is discussed, though not named as such, in [Donald Knuth, "Structured programming with goto statements", Computing Surveys, December 1974]. A good summary is presented in [Eric S. Roberts, "Loop Exits and Structured Programming: Reopening the Debate", ACM SIGCSE, March 1995].
Last updated: 2019-09-03
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