equational logic
First-order equational logic consists of quantifier-free terms of ordinary first-order logic, with equality as the only predicate symbol. The model theory of this logic was developed into Universal algebra by Birkhoff et al. [Birkhoff, Gratzer, Cohn]. It was later made into a branch of category theory by Lawvere ("algebraic theories").
Last updated: 1995-02-21
Equational Programming Language
(EPL) An equational language for parallel scientific applications, developed by RPI. Szymanski.
["EPL - Parallel Programming with Recurrent Equations", B. Szymanski in Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers, B. Szymanski et al, A-W 1991].Last updated: 2010-09-21
Nearby terms:
equals ♦ equational logic ♦ Equational Programming Language ♦ Equel
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