concrete class
In object-oriented programming, a class suitable to be instantiated, as opposed to an abstract class.
Last updated: 1995-05-01
Concrete Data Structure
(CDS) A model of programming language terms developed in the context of constructing fully abstract semantics for sequential languages. A CDS is a 4-tuple (C,V,E,|-) where C is a cell, V is a value, E is an event and |- is an "enabling relation". An event is a cell and a value. A cell C is "enabled" by a set of events S if S |- C. A state is a set of events which are consistent in that the values they give for any cell are all equal. Every cell in a state is enabled.
[G. Berry, P.-L. Curien, "Theory and practice of sequential algorithms: the kernel of applicative language CDS", Algebraic methods in semantics, CUP 1985].Last updated: 1994-11-30
concrete syntax
The syntax of a language including all the features visible in the source code such as parentheses and delimiters. The concrete syntax is used when parsing the program or other input, during which it is usually converted into some kind of abstract syntax tree (conforming to an abstract syntax).
In communications, concrete syntax is called transfer syntax.Last updated: 1997-07-21
Nearby terms:
ConCoord ♦ concrete class ♦ Concrete Data Structure ♦ concrete syntax
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