Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) A protocol defined in STD 10, RFC 821, used to transfer electronic mail between computers, usually over Ethernet. It is a server to server protocol, so other protocols are used to access the messages. The SMTP dialog usually happens in the background under the control of the message transfer agent, e.g. sendmail but it is possible to interact with an SMTP server using telnet to connect to the normal SMTP port, 25. E.g.
telnet 25You should normally start by identifying the local host:
HELO can then issue commands to verify an address or expand an alias:
VRFY VRFY postmasteror expand a mailing list:
EXPN c-helpYou can even send a message:
MAIL From:<> RCPT To:<> DATA What is the point? . QUITThis is useful if you want to find out exactly what is happening to your message at a certain point. See also Post Office Protocol, RFC 822, sendmail.
Last updated: 1995-10-17
Nearby terms:
Simple Gateway Control Protocol ♦ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ♦ simple multicast protocol
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