A terminal emulator program, originally from Datastorm Technologies, used for connection to BBSes etc.
Procomm Plus for Windows incorporates automatic modem detection, a custom log-on script generator and sophisticated off-line message managers for CompuServe and MCI Mail. It also has a fax send and receive capability. Version 2.0 was chosen as the Editors Choice in PC Magazine 1995-03-14. Procomm Plus is now distributed by Symantec, Inc.. Procomm Home. Version 2.4.3 1989-01-01. Current Version: Procomm Plus 4.8, as of 2004-06-29.Last updated: 2004-06-29
Nearby terms:
process table ♦ PROCOL ♦ Procomm ♦ Procrustean string ♦ Prodigy ♦ ProDoc
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