A Scheme to C compiler by Tanel Tammet <tammet@cs.chalmers.se>. Hobbit attempts to retain most of the original Scheme program structure, making the output C program readable and modifiable. Hobbit is written in Scheme and is able to self-compile. Hobbit release 1 works together with the scm release scm4b3. Future releases of scm and hobbit will be coordinated. ftp://altdorf.ai.mit.edu/archive/scm/hobbit2.tar.Z.Last updated: 1993-04-25
2. The non-ITS name of <vad@ai.mit.edu> (*Hobbit*), master of lasers.Nearby terms:
HNAP1 ♦ HNC ♦ HO ♦ Hoare powerdomain ♦ Hobbit ♦ hobbit ♦ hog ♦ HOL ♦ HOL-88
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