Concurrent C
1. An extension of C with rendezvous-based concurrency. Versions for most Unix systems were available commercially from AT&T.
["Concurrent C", N.H. Gehani et al, Soft Prac & Exp 16(9):821-844 (1986)]. ["The Concurrent C Programming Language", N. Gehani et al, Silicon Press 1989].Last updated: 1994-11-11
2. An extension of C with asynchronous message passing.
["Concurrent C: A Language for Distributed Systems", Y. Tsujino et al, Soft Prac & Exp 14(11):1061-1078 (Nov 1984)].Last updated: 1994-11-11
Nearby terms:
CONCUR ♦ concurrency ♦ Concurrent C ♦ Concurrent C++ ♦ Concurrent Clean
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