COMmon Algorithmic Language
(COMAL) A language for beginners developed by Benedict Loefstedt and Borge Christensen in 1973 and popular in Europe and Scandinavia. It has a Pascal-like structure added to BASIC. COMAL-80 has been adopted as an introductory language in Denmark.
There is a version for the Amiga and a well-supported version for the PC, running under MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, called UniCOMAL. Recently, it has been developed as a web-scripting language called WebCOMAL. macharsoft. There is a COMAL User's Group at 5501 Groveland Terr, Madison WI 53716, USA. ["Beginning COMAL", B. Christensen, Ellis Harwood 1982].Last updated: 2000-11-14
Nearby terms:
COMmon Algorithmic Language ♦ Common Applications Environment
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