Advanced Audio CodingAADL
Axiomatic Architecture Description LanguageAAL
ATM Adaptation LayerAAP
Association of American PublishersAAP DTD
A DTD for a standard SGML document type for scientific documents, defined by the Association of American Publishers.
Last updated: 1994-11-08
<programming, tool>
(Dutch for "earth") A tool to check memory use for C++ programs, written by Steve Reiss <[email protected]> (who names his programs after living systems).
Aard tracks the state of each byte of memory in the heap and the stack. The state can be one of Undefined, Uninitialised, Free or Set. The program can detect invalid transitions (i.e. attempting to set or use undefined or free storage or attempting to access uninitialised storage). In addition, the program keeps track of heap use through malloc and free and at the end of the run reports memory blocks that were not freed and that are not accessible (i.e. memory leaks). The tools works using a spliced-in shared library on SPARCs running C++ 3.0.1 under SunOS 4.X. ftp://wilma.cs.brown.edu/pub/aard.tar.Z.Last updated: 1998-03-03
Apple Address Resolution ProtocolAARP probe packets
AARP packets sent out on a nonextended AppleTalk network to discover whether a randomly selected node ID is being used by any node. If not, the sending node uses the node ID. If so, it chooses a different ID and sends more AARP probe packets.
Last updated: 1997-05-03
Apple Attachment Unit InterfaceNearby terms:
A20 handler ♦ A-3 ♦ A3D ♦ A4C ♦ a56 ♦ AAB8 ♦ AAC ♦ AADL ♦ AAL ♦ AAP ♦ AAP DTD ♦ aard
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