Business Application Programming Interface

<business, application, programming>

(BAPI) /bap'ee/ A set of methods provided by an SAP business object.

Release 4.0 of SAP AG's R/3 system supports object-oriented programming via an interface defined in terms of objects and methods called BAPIs. For example if a material object provides a function to check availability, the corresponding SAP business object type "Material" might provide a BAPI called "Material.CheckAvailability".

The definitions of SAP business objects and their BAPIs are kept in an SAP business object repository. SAP provide classes and libraries to enable a programming team to build SAP applications that use business objects and BAPIs. Supported environments include COM and Java.

The Open BAPI Network. gives background information and lists objects and BAPIs.

Last updated: 2002-08-30

Nearby terms:

Business Application Programming InterfaceBusiness Process Re-engineering

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