Distributed Component Object Model


(DCOM) Microsoft's extension of their Component Object Model (COM) to support objects distributed across a network. DCOM has been submitted to the IETF as a draft standard. Since 1996, it has been part of Windows NT and is also available for Windows 95.

Unlike CORBA, which runs on many operating systems, DCOM is currently (Dec 1997) only implemented by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and by Software AG, under the name "EntireX", for Unix and IBM mainframes. DCOM serves the same purpose as IBM's DSOM protocol.

DCOM is broken because it's an object model that has no provisions for inheritance, one of the major reasons for object oriented programming in the first place.



Last updated: 2000-08-02

Distributed Computing Environment

(DCE) An architecture consisting of standard programming interfaces, conventions and server functionalities (e.g. naming, distributed file system, remote procedure call) for distributing applications transparently across networks of heterogeneous computers. DCE is promoted and controlled by the Open Software Foundation (OSF).

Usenet newsgroup: comp.soft-sys.dce.


Last updated: 1994-12-07

distributed database

A collection of several different databases that looks like a single database to the user. An example is the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).

Last updated: 1994-12-07

Distributed Data Management

<protocol, database>

(DDM) An IBM data protocol architecture for data management services across distributed systems in an SNA environment.

DDM provides a common data management language for data interchange among different IBM system platforms.

Products supporting DDM include AS/400, System/36, System/38 and CICS/DDM.

On the AS/400, DDM controls remote file processing. DDM enables application programs running on one AS/400 system to access data files stored on another system supporting DDM. Similarly, other systems that have DDM can access files in the database of the local AS/400 system. DDM makes it easier to distribute file processing between two or more systems.

OS/400 Distributed Data Management V3R6 Reference.

Last updated: 1999-04-26

distributed data warehouse


(DDW) Data shared across multiple data repositories, for the purpose of OLAP. Each data warehouse may belong to one or many organisations. The sharing im;plies a common format or definition of data elements (e.g. using XML).

Last updated: 2008-03-15

Distributed Denial of Service


(DDoS) A type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack in which many computers in a botnet send requests to a target website or service with the intention of overloading it or otherwise preventing it from responding to legitimate requests. Attacks may tie up a service by consuming resources such as database processing or available connections.

This kind of DoS attack is harder to defend against due to its distributed nature as it is not possible to block access from a single source (e.g. by rate limiting) and the pattern of requests can be hard to distinguish from legitimate activity.

DDoS attacks may be politically motivated or may be carried out by extortionists threatening to disable a site unless a ransom is paid.

Last updated: 2020-05-02

Distributed Eiffel

["Distributed Eiffel: A Language for Programming Multi-Granular Distributed Objects on the Clouds Operating System", L. Gunaseelan et al, IEEE Conf Comp Langs, 1992].

Last updated: 1994-12-07

Distributed Logic Programming


(DLP) A logic programming language similar to Prolog, combined with parallel object orientation similar to POOL. DLP supports distributed backtracking over the results of a rendezvous between objects. Multi-threaded objects have autonomous activity and may simultaneously evaluate method calls.

["DLP: A Language for Distributed Logic Programming", A. Eliens, Wiley 1992].

Last updated: 1996-01-07

Distributed Management Environment

(DME) An OSF standard. It had reached the RFT stage.

Last updated: 1995-02-22

distributed memory


The kind of memory in a parallel processor where each processor has fast access to its own local memory and where to access another processor's memory it must send a message via the inter-processor network.

Opposite: shared memory.

Last updated: 1995-03-22

Distributed Network Operating System

<operating system>

(DNOS) A proprietary operating system for Texas Instruments 990-series minicomputers.

Last updated: 1996-04-01

Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network

(DOMAIN) The proprietary network protocol used by Apollo workstations.

Last updated: 1995-02-16

Distributed Processes

(DP) The first concurrent language based on remote procedure calls.

["Distributed Processes: A Concurrent Programming Concept", Per Brinch Hansen CACM 21(11):934-940 (Nov 1978)].

Last updated: 1994-12-02

Distributed Queue Dual Bus

<networking, standard>

(DQDB) An IEEE standard for metropolitan area networks.



Last updated: 2000-08-02

Distributed Smalltalk

["The Design and Implementation of Distributed Smalltalk", J. Bennett, SIGPLAN Notices 22(12):318-330 (Dec 1980)].

Last updated: 1994-12-02

distributed system

A collection of (probably heterogeneous) automata whose distribution is transparent to the user so that the system appears as one local machine. This is in contrast to a network, where the user is aware that there are several machines, and their location, storage replication, load balancing and functionality is not transparent. Distributed systems usually use some kind of client-server organisation.

Distributed systems are considered by some to be the "next wave" of computing.

Distributed Computing Environment is the Open Software Foundation's software architecture for distributed systems.


Last updated: 1994-12-06

distributed systems

distributed system

Nearby terms:

Distributed Component Object ModelDistributed Computing Environment

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