name capture


In beta reduction, when a term containing a free occurrence of a variable v is substituted into another term where v is bound the free v becomes spuriously bound or "captured". E.g.

 (\ x . \ y . x y) y  -->  \ y . y y	(WRONG)

This problem arises because two distinct variables have the same name. The most common solution is to rename the bound variable using alpha conversion:

 (\ x . \ y' . x y') y --> \ y' . y y'

Another solution is to use de Bruijn notation.

Note that the argument expression, y, contained a free variable. The whole expression above must therefore be notionally contained within the body of some lambda abstraction which binds y. If we never reduce inside the body of a lambda abstraction (as in reduction to weak head normal form) then name capture cannot occur.

Last updated: 1995-03-14



Name Daemon.


A Unix background process that converts hostnames to Internet addresses for the TCP/IP protocol.

Unix manual page: named(8).

See also DNS.

Last updated: 1995-03-28

named pipe

<operating system>

A Unix pipe with a filename created using the "mknod" command. Named pipes allow unrelated processes to communicate with each other whereas the normal (un-named) kind can only be used by processes which are parent and child or siblings (forked from the same parent).

Last updated: 1996-12-01

name resolution


The process of mapping a name into its corresponding address.

The Domain Name System is the system which does name resolution on the Internet.

Last updated: 1997-12-15

name service switching

Domain Name System



The set of all possible identifiers for some kind of object. From the definition of a set, all names in a namespace are unique and there is some rule to determine whether a potential name is an element of the set. For example, the Domain Name System includes rules for determining what constitutes a valid host name.

Last updated: 2008-12-09

Nearby terms:

naive userNAKname capturenamednamed pipename resolution

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