<mathematics, tool>
A package for symbolic mathematics, especially tensor analysis and General Relativity, developed by Inge Frick in Stockholm in the late 1970s to early 1980s. SHEEP was implemented in DEC-10 assembly language, then in several LISPs. The current version runs on Sun-3 and is based on Portable Standard LISP.
["Sheep, a Computer Algebra System for General Relativity", J.E.F. Skea et al in Proc First Brazilian School on Comp Alg, W. Roque et al eds, Oxford U Press 1993, v2]. updated: 2002-12-28
Nearby terms:
sharp ♦ Sharp APL ♦ S-HDSL ♦ shebang ♦ SHEEP ♦ shelf ♦ shelfware ♦ SHELL ♦ shell
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