Imperial Nomic Initial Rules

These are the initial rules of Imperial Nomic (formerly known as "Fascist").

1. The Imperious Emperor's decision is final.

2. Anyone can join the game at any time.

3. Any player may propose any number of new rules or changes to existing rules at any time.

4. All proposals must be sent to The Humble Scribe.

5. The Humble Scribe will publish the current rules, the complete history of proposals and decisions and the current scores of all players.

6. The Humble Scribe may reword a proposal to clarify its meaning, so long as this does not change its meaning.

7. The Imperious Emperor will consider each new proposal submitted and accept, reject or ignore it.

8. A player whose proposal is ignored will get no points.

9. A player whose proposal is rejected will get one point.

10. A player whose proposal is accepted will get three points.

11. A game ends when one player has exactly twenty points.

12. The Imperious Emperor may, at any time, modify or remove any existing rule or enact new rules.

13. The Imperious Emperor is Denis Howe.

14. The Humble Scribe is Denis Howe.

Last modified: Thu Feb 1 00:28:39 GMT 1996