

polymorphic lambda-calculus

<language, types>

(Or "second order typed lambda-calculus", "System F", "Lambda-2"). An extension of typed lambda-calculus allowing functions which take types as parameters. E.g. the polymorphic function "twice" may be written:

 	twice = /\ t . \  (f :: t -> t) . \ (x :: t) . f (f x)

(where "/\" is an upper case Greek lambda and "(v :: T)" is usually written as v with subscript T). The parameter t will be bound to the type to which twice is applied, e.g.:

 twice Int

takes and returns a function of type Int -> Int. (Actual type arguments are often written in square brackets [ ]). Function twice itself has a higher type:

 twice :: Delta t . (t -> t) -> (t -> t)

(where Delta is an upper case Greek delta). Thus /\ introduces an object which is a function of a type and Delta introduces a type which is a function of a type.

Polymorphic lambda-calculus was invented by Jean-Yves Girard in 1971 and independently by John C. Reynolds in 1974.

["Proofs and Types", J-Y. Girard, Cambridge U Press 1989].

Last updated: 2005-03-07


<theory, programming>

The ability to leave parts of a type in a typed language unspecified. The term has three distinct uses:

* Parametric polymorphism refers to the use of type variables in a strongly typed language.

* Overloading, sometimes called ad-hoc polymorphism, means using the same syntax for different types.

* object-oriented polymorphism allows a variable to refer to objects whose class is not known at compile time.

Last updated: 2014-01-05

Nearby terms:

Poly/MLpolymorphicpolymorphic lambda-calculuspolymorphism

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