incremental analysis


Partial analysis of an incomplete product to allow early feedback on its development.

Last updated: 1996-05-22

incremental backup

<operating system>

A kind of backup that copies all files which have changed since the date of the previous backup. The first backup of a file system should include all files - a "full backup". Call this level 0. The next backup could also be a full level 0 backup but it is usually much quicker to do a level 1 backup which will include only those files which have changed since the level 0 backup. Together the level 0 and level 1 backups will include the latest version of every file. Level 1 backups can be made until, say, the backup tape is nearly full, after which we can switch to level 2. Each level includes those files which have changed since the last backup at a lower level. The more levels you use, the longer it will take to restore the latest version of a file (or all files) if you don't know when it was last modified.

Compare differential backup.

Last updated: 2004-03-01

incremental constraint solver

A system in which a constraint solver is given constraints one at a time by an inference engine (as is found in Prolog). The solver adds the new constraint to an initially empty set of solved constraints. If the new constraint is consistent with the solved constraints it will be added to the set. If it was inconsistent, the inference engine backtracks. This is the basis of Constraint Logic Programming.

Last updated: 1994-11-01

Incremental Prototyping Technology for Embedded Realtime Systems


An Esprit project.

[Partners? Results?]

Last updated: 1998-11-27

increment operator


A programming language unary operator that adds one to its operand. Similarly, a decrement operator subtracts one from its operand.

In the B programming language and its many descendents (e.g. C, Perl, Java), the increment operator is written "++" and decrement "--". They can be either prefix or postfix, both of which return a value as well as changing their operand. The prefix form, e.g. ++x, increments variable x before returning its value whereas postfix, x++, returns x's original value before it was incremented.

The expression ++x is equivalent to the assignment operator, x += 1. There is no simple corresponding equivalent for x++. These expressions, ++x, x++, x += 1 are almost equivalent to the long form x = x + 1 except that the latter involves two references to x. In the case of a simple variable, this makes no difference but the operand can be any lvalue (something that can be assigned to), including a complex pointer expression whose value changes each time it is evaluated.

If the operand is a pointer then incrementing it (in any of the above ways) causes it to point to the next element of its specified type.

The name of the programming language C++ is a humourous use of the postfix increment operator to imply that C++ is "one better than" C.

Last updated: 2019-07-14

Nearby terms:

incomparableincremental analysisincremental backupincremental constraint solver

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